Con Amor Organic

Let food be thy medicine...

Con Amor Organic Chef Jen
Chef Jen of Con Amor Organic

My Story: Cooking for Health & Healing

I had hypothyroidism for over 7 years, yet didn’t pay much attention to it until my weight gain got out of control and my hair started falling out. My body was screaming at me to do something, but, let’s face it, change is hard! Healing takes time and conscious effort.

Sure, being a chef gives me an advantage when it comes to meal planning and preparation, but I’m no different than most people when it comes to following a new diet. My intentions were good when I set out to heal my hypothyroidism in the past, but I lacked motivation. I wasn’t ready to let go of my life long coping mechanisms and really commit to healing.

When I moved to Taos, something in me shifted. I felt a very strong, supportive, healing energy in this magical place, and soon began following the Auto-Immune Protocol (AIP) to eliminate inflammation in my body. The first two weeks were challenging, but being in Taos made the process a lot easier. By the third week, I started waking up with a lot of energy. I felt good and the weight was literally pouring off!

As I continued following the AIP diet and my symptoms kept disappearing, there was no denying that my body was finally healing. Today, I no longer have hypothyroidism. My labs are perfect every month.

Inspired by my results, I sought to combine my healing experience and culinary skills to help others. Naturally, the best way to do this is to share my love of cooking!

Con Amor Organic Chef Jen preparing a healing meal
Chef Jen preparing a meal

Necessity: The Mother of Invention

Creating meals with only fresh, organic, ethically sourced, high vibrational foods can be very time consuming. You need to make everything from scratch. When I was doing AIP meal prep for myself one morning, I started thinking, how does someone with a busy life — work, children, extracurricular activities, etc. — find time to prepare and cook meals in this way, even just a couple of times a week?

I put so much intention, love and care into the food I create for myself. I make my meals with great appreciation and respect for the land, the producers, the animals, the plants. Each meal preparation feels like a ceremony, a ritual to healing and health.

Knowing that food is medicine, and what you eat and put into your body is extremely important to healing, I strongly felt that I wanted to help by cooking in this way for others. Before long, what I began doing for myself out necessity evolved into Con Amor Organic Meal Prep!

What Can We Do for You?

Whether you’re interested in having weekly meals delivered, custom dishes prepared by our personal chef service, or having a special event catered, experience the joy of eating unique, fresh & flavorful food without having to lift a finger. Well, maybe a few fingers when you place an order or contact us to schedule a consultation, but that’s all. We promise!