Personal Chef Service
Supporting You On Your Food Journey

How Can a Personal Chef Service Help Me?
Our personal chef service is for those who want to take our weekly meal prep one step further by working together to create a meal plan perfectly matched to their lifestyle, schedule, and nutrition goals. Singles, couples, families, however many people in your household, we customize your meals!
Maybe you would like to follow certain dietary protocols, such as Autoimmune (AIP), low histamine, Paleo, Keto or Whole 30. Perhaps you have food allergies and/or intolerances and are frustrated by not being able to eat whatever you want. Maybe you are simply looking to eat better, instead of always turning to convenience foods due to time constraints or lack of cooking skills.
Whatever your reasons or intentions, we help you build healthy and balanced menus with dishes you will not only look forward to eating, but also truly enjoy! Chef Jen will even speak directly with your doctor, naturopath or dietician to obtain a list of foods that you — and anyone else we are cooking for in your home — can and cannot eat to ensure meals suit your specific needs.

Custom. Fresh. Nutritious. Delicious.
Our personal chef service begins with a consultation to discuss your particular situation and determine how we can help. We then craft a menu that meets the dietary requirements and preferences of everyone included in your meal plan.
No matter how long you use our personal chef service, we only buy what’s necessary to make your custom meals for one week at a time. Dishes made from scratch, with only the highest quality ingredients, each week of your service plan, guarantee freshness and the most healthful, tastiest meals every time you eat. Plus, our generous portions will always leave you feeling satisfied!
Ready to Get Started?
Send us a message to schedule your consultation now!
How Does it Work?
Personal chef meal plan options are listed in the charts below, along with the estimated cost of service and average food costs.
The delivery or pick up date for personal chef orders is determined during your consultation.
Cost for delivery is $5 in and around the town of Taos and $7 for areas North of Taos. Pick up is free of charge.
If you plan to travel, please notify us ONE WEEK BEFORE your next meal delivery to pause your meal service until your return. Otherwise, you will be charged the cook time for the week(s) you are away.
Ordering Options & Menu Pricing
Tier 1
2 or 4 servings of each*
Hourly service rate** + cost of food***
Tier 2
2 or 4 servings of each*
Hourly service rate** + cost of food***
Tier 3
2 or 4 servings of each*
Hourly service rate** + cost of food***
Tier 4
2 or 4 servings of each*
Hourly service rate** + cost of food***
* Cost of service tends to be the same for 2 or 4 servings, but cost of food is lower for 2 servings.
** Hourly service rate is $33 an hour. The hourly rate is COOK TIME ONLY. We do not currently charge the time it takes for menu writing or shopping time. The average cook time depends on how many menu items are ordered, but averages between 2-6 hours.
*** See the Average Cost of Food chart below.
Average Cost of Food
Cost of food depends on prices at time of purchase and fluctuates widely based on time of year & current weather conditions.
Tier 1
2 servings
4 servings
2 servings
4 servings
Tier 2
2 servings
4 servings
2 servings
4 servings
Tier 3
2 servings
4 servings
2 servings
4 servings
Tier 4
2 servings
4 servings
2 servings
4 servings
Please Note: Organic healthy fats and oils, unprocessed salts, and other condiments required to prepare restrictive diet meals are included in the service and not something the customer pays for when adding up the cost of food. Rather, the food cost typically consists of the produce and proteins needed to make meals.